Volume 55 (2023)
Volume 54 (2022)
Volume 53 (2021)
Volume 52 (2020)
Volume 51 (2019)
Volume 50 (2018)
Volume 49 (2017)
Volume 48 (2016)
Volume 47 (2016)
Volume 46 (2015)
Volume 45 (2014)
Volume 44 (2013)
Volume 43 (2009)
Volume 42 (2008)
Volume 41 (2007)
Author = Koppelaar, H.
Number of Articles: 3
On Hardy's Apology Numbers
Volume 52, Issue 2 , December 2020, , Pages 67-83
Twelve well known `Recreational' numbers are generalized and classified in three generalized types Hardy, Dudeney, and Wells. A novel proof method to limit the search for the numbers is exemplified for each of the types. Combinatorial operators are defined to ease programming the search. Read MoreA novel algorithm to determine the leaf (leaves) of a binary tree from its preorder and postorder traversals
Volume 49, Issue 2 , December 2017, , Pages 1-11
Binary trees are essential structures in Computer Science. The leaf (leaves) of a binary tree is one of the most significant aspects of it. In this study, we prove that the order of a leaf (leaves) of a binary tree is the same in the main tree traversals; preorder, inorder, and postorder. Then, we prove ... Read MoreAn improved algorithm to reconstruct a binary tree from its inorder and postorder traversals
Volume 49, Issue 1 , June 2017, , Pages 93-113