Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Computer Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran


We consider the problem of finding the localization of radioactive source by using data from a digital camera. In other words, the camera could help us to detect the direction of radioactive rays radiation. Therefore, the outcome could be used to command a robot to move toward the true direction to achieve the source. The process of camera data is performed by using image processing and computational geometry algorithms. And the robot is looking for the source in a space with geometrical obstacles. Lots of radioactive accidents daily occur all over the world. During the radiography, the radioactive source is sometimes thrown out from its protection layer and the radiographer has to look for it in the space around. This would have lots of irreparable costs. Thus, it seems necessary to make a robot which could search the radioactive source intelligently.
