Volume 55 (2023)
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Volume 49 (2017)
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Volume 47 (2016)
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Volume 43 (2009)
Volume 42 (2008)
Volume 41 (2007)
Group $\{1, -1, i, -i\}$ Cordial Labeling of sum of $C_n$ and $K_m$ for some $m$

M.K.Karthik Chidambaram; S. Athisayanathan; R. Ponraj

Volume 49, Issue 2 , December 2017, , Pages 129-139


  Let G be a (p,q) graph and A be a group. We denote the order of an element $a \in A $ by $o(a).$  Let $ f:V(G)\rightarrow A$ be a function. For each edge $uv$ assign the label 1 if $(o(f(u)),o(f(v)))=1 $or $0$ otherwise. $f$ is called a group A Cordial labeling if $|v_f(a)-v_f(b)| \leq 1$ and $|e_f(0)- ...  Read More