Volume 56 (2024)
Issue 1 August 2024, Pages 1-171
Volume 55 (2023)
Volume 54 (2022)
Volume 53 (2021)
Volume 52 (2020)
Volume 51 (2019)
Volume 50 (2018)
Volume 49 (2017)
Volume 48 (2016)
Volume 47 (2016)
Volume 46 (2015)
Volume 45 (2014)
Volume 44 (2013)
Volume 43 (2009)
Volume 42 (2008)
Volume 41 (2007)

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A Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Model in Tourism

mohammad javad shayegan; yusef dastan

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 1-14


  In recent years, scholars have dedicated significant attention to the field of sentiment analysis. A substantial volume of feedback shared by tourists on social networking platforms, notably on Tripadvisor, manifests as reviews. The tourism sector stands to gain valuable insights from sentiment analysis ...  Read More

Review of path planning models, environmental constraints, and application domains in drone delivery systems

Azita Taheri; Amin Ghodousian; Rooholah Abedian

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 15-33


  This review paper comprehensively examines drone delivery systems, focusing on path planning models, environmental constraints, and application domains. We analyze theoretical frameworks for path planning, including deterministic and heuristic approaches, as well as recent advancements in metaheuristics ...  Read More

Detecting and Reducing Error in Data by Tridiagonal Iterative Model

Negin Bagherpour; Abbas Mohammadiyan

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 34-43


  Noise is a part of data whether the data is from measurement or experiment. There are a few techniques for fault detection and reduction to improve the data quality in recent years some of which are based on wavelet, orthogonalization and neural networks. The computational cost of existing methods are ...  Read More



Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 44-54


  Let G be a graph. Let f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2,... ,k − 1}be a function where k ∈ N and k > 1. For each edge uv, assign thelabel f (uv) = lf(u)+f(v)2m. f is called a k-total mean cordial labeling of G if |tmf (i) − tmf (j)| ≤ 1, for all i,j ∈ {0, 1, 2,... ,k − 1},where ...  Read More

Improving Persian Handwritten Digit Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network

Hossein Noori

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 55-72


  Persian digit recognition plays a crucial role in computer vision and pattern recognition. Existing algorithms fall into two categories: traditional methods and deep learning approaches. While many deep learning techniques are documented, they often depend on pre-trained networks with numerous parameters, ...  Read More

Improved Version of Gravitational Search Algorithm and its Application in Power Improvement of CMOS Ring Voltage Controlled Oscillator

Sepehr Mood Ebrahimi; Mohammad Jafar Hemmati

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 73-82


  In this paper, a three-stage CMOS inverter based ring voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is designed. Low power consumption is an important feature of the designed VCO. The variables used in the designed oscillator have been quantified using the improved Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) in order ...  Read More

Metric and partition dimension of flower and pencil graphs

Kristiana Wijaya; Ulil Abshari; Via Mufidatud Diniyah; Ikhsanul Halikin; Kusbudiono Kusbudiono

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 83-99


  This paper is about metric and partition dimension of a flower and a pencilgraph. A metric dimension of G, denoted by dim(G), is the minimum cardinality of anyresolving set of G. A partition dimension of G, denoted by pd(G), is the minimum number of sets in any resolving k-ordered partition for G. Here ...  Read More

A Recommender System Based on Markov Process Using Web Usage Mining Method and Neural Network

Hadis Shafaei; Rouzbeh Razavi

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 100-122


  Web recommender systems provide the most appropriate recommendations by analyzing user’s navigation behavior. This recommender system can be considered in different cases, such as e-commerce, search engines, etc. The aim of the proposed approach in this research is to create users’ profiles ...  Read More

Proposing a novel attention-based deep neural network (ABCL-EHI) for EEG-based human biometric identification

Toktam Khatibi; Javad Zarean

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 123-145


  The paper introduces a new method called ABCL-EHI for human identification using electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. EEG signals have unique information among individuals, but current systems lack accuracy and usability. ABCL-EHI addresses this by combining a convolutional neural network (CNN) and ...  Read More

Load-balanced Task Scheduling Algorithm using Walrus Optimizer for Cloud Computing

Zahra Jalali Khalil Abadi; Najme Mansouri; Mohammad masoud javidi; Behnam Mohammad hasani zade

Volume 56, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 146-171


  Cloud computing allows users to access software and hardware resources over the network. To achieve cost-effective execution, task scheduling is a major problem. Scheduling tasks is intended to optimize one or more criteria by allocating them to resources. Metaheuristics provide promising solutions for ...  Read More

A variant of van Hoeij's algorithm to compute hypergeometric term solutions of holonomic recurrence equations
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 January 2022


  Linear and homogeneous recurrence equations having polynomial coefficients are said to be holonomic. These equations are useful for proving and discovering combinatorial and hypergeometric identities. Given a field $\mathbb{K}$ of characteristic zero, $a_n$ is a hypergeometric term with respect to $\mathbb{K}$, ...  Read More

Overlapping Clusters in Cluster Convolutional Networks
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 January 2022


   A popular research topic in Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) is to speedup the training time of the network.  The main bottleneck in training GCN is the exponentially growing of computations. In Cluster-GCN based on this fact that each node and its neighbors are usually grouped ...  Read More

Pair difference cordial labeling of planar grid and mongolian tent
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 13 January 2022


  \noindent Let $G = (V, E)$ be a $(p,q)$ graph.\\Define \begin{equation*}\rho =\begin{cases}\frac{p}{2} ,& \text{if $p$ is even}\\\frac{p-1}{2} ,& \text{if $p$ is odd}\\\end{cases}\end{equation*}\\  and $L = \{\pm1 ,\pm2, \pm3 , \cdots ,\pm\rho\}$ called the set of labels.\\\noindent ...  Read More

A comparison between the resolution and linear optimization of FREs defined by product t-norm and geometric mean operator
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 January 2022


  In this paper, a type of fuzzy system is firstly investigated whereby the feasible region is defined by the fuzzy relational equalities and the geometric mean as fuzzy composition. Some related basic and theoretical properties are derived and the feasible region is completely determined. Moreover, a ...  Read More

On the J-Tightness of Graphs
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 January 2022


  We introduce a new invariant vulnerability parameter named “J-Tightness” or “J(G)” for graphs. As a stability measure, its properties along with comparisons to other parameters of a graph are proposed. We show how it is calculated for complete graphs and cycles. We show that J-Tightness ...  Read More

A fast algorithm for the linear programming problem constrained with the Weighted power mean -- Fuzzy Relational Equalities (WPM-FRE)
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 January 2022


  In this paper, a linear programming problem is investigated in which the feasible region is formed as a special type of fuzzy relational equalities (FRE). In this type of FRE, fuzzy composition is considered as the weighted power mean operator (WPM). Some theoretical properties of the feasible region ...  Read More

Fuzzy Cumulative Distribution Function \and its Properties
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 January 2022


  The statistical methods based on cumulative distribution function is a start point for  many parametric or nonparametric statistical inferences. However, there are many practical problems that require dealing with observations/parameters that represent inherently imprecise.  However, Hesamian ...  Read More

An algorithm to Solve the Linear Programming Problem Constrained with the Harmonic–Fuzzy Relational Equalities
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 January 2022


  In this paper, a linear programming problem is investigated in which the feasible region is formed as the intersection of fuzzy relational equalities and the harmonic mean operator is considered as fuzzy composition. Theoretical properties of the feasible region are derived. It is proved that the feasible ...  Read More

Plane Bounded-Degree Spanners Among the Obstacles for the Points in Convex Position
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 January 2022


  Let $S$ be a set of points in the plane that are in convex position. Let~$\cal O$ be a set of simple polygonal obstacles whose vertices are in $S$. The visibility graph $Vis(S,{\cal O})$  is the graph which is obtained from the complete graph of $S$ by removing all edges intersecting some obstacle ...  Read More

Effective Tamper Detection and Recovery of Images after Serious Attacks
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 January 2022


  Confirming the integrity of transmitted sensitive digital content is a significant issue due to the evolution in communication technologies and the accessibility of image processing tools. Watermarking has been a successful method of authentication and integrity verification recently. However, several ...  Read More

On the resolution of LP-FRE defined by the convex combination operator
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 January 2022


  In this paper, a linear programming problem is investigated in which the feasible region is formed as a special type of fuzzy relational equalities (FRE). In this type of FRE, fuzzy composition is considered as the convex combination operator. It is proved that the feasible region of the problem can ...  Read More

Priority-Oriented Task Scheduling based on Harris Hawks Optimizer for Cloud Computing
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 January 2022


   Cloud computing is a high-performance computing environment that can remotely provide services to customers using a pay-per-use model. The principal challenge in cloud computing is task scheduling, in which tasks must be effectively allocated to resources. The mapping of cloud resources to customer ...  Read More

A Systematic Way for Selecting Suitable Journal for Publishing Manuscripts
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 January 2022


  \noindent Selecting suitable journals for publishing manuscripts for publication is one of the most essential processes before publishing any manuscript. Finding the relevant journal is a key factor which proves one's work valuable to the entire society. The final output and the performance of one's ...  Read More

$P_3$-Rainbow Edge Colouring of Digraphs
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 January 2022


  An edge  coloring of a digraph  $D$ is called a $P_3$-rainbow edge coloring if  the edges of any directed path of $D$ with length 2 are colored with different colors. It is proved that  for a $P_3$-rainbow edge coloring of  a digraph $D$, at least $\left\lceil{log_2{\chi(D)}} ...  Read More

Negative Cost Girth Problem using Map-Reduce Framework
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 January 2022


  On a graph with a negative cost cycle, the shortest path is undefined, but the number of edges of the shortest negative cost cycle could be computed. It is called Negative Cost Girth (NCG). The NCG problem is applied in many optimization issues such as scheduling and model verification. The existing ...  Read More

An iterative method and maximal solution of Coupled algebraic Riccati equations

Hajar Alimorad

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 August 2022


  Coupled Riccati equation has widely been applied to various engineering areas such as jump linear quadratic problem, particle transport theory, and Wiener–Hopf decomposition of Markov chains. In this paper, we consider an iterative method for computing Hermitian solution of the Coupled Algebraic ...  Read More

ISO Abbreviation: 

J. Algorithm Comput. 

Frequency: Semiannual

Peer Review Policy: Double Blind

Language: English

Acceptance Rate: 10%

Average Time to First Decision: 30 days

Average Time to Final Decision: 6 months

Publishing Policy: Open Access



University of Tehran

Editorial Board:
Dara Moazzami

Frequency: Monthly

Print ISSN: 2476-2776

Online ISSN: 2476-2784

Indexing and Abstracting







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